Oceans & the Blue Economy | 3 JUN

Oceans & the Blue Economy | 3 JUN

Reimagine Series


The ocean provides food, jobs and livelihoods to over 3 billion people, enabling 90% of global trade critical to the economy. It is home to the planet's largest biosphere with 80% of all life in the world found in our blue planet. And it is our planet’s lungs providing 50% of our oxygen and absorbing 25% of global carbon – the largest carbon sink in the world. How can we ensure we strike the right balance for the blue economy? The effects of human activity has damaged the health of the oceans and their natural capital. Restoration, protection, and management of how humans use ocean ecosystems must be prioritised over the next decade. Forecasts suggest that the Blue Economy could create $3 trillion annually in gross value added by 2030; but it is vital that investment flows and increased economic output also sustain biodiversity, humanity and the ability of the ocean to provide their most vital life services to all. Core discussion points: -How can we sustain and support the blue economy? -Creating a policy environment for oceans and climate -Can blue finance save our oceans? -Natural Capital à the role of oceans in supporting our economy system

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